Last Friday the Italian Chesterton Society has celebrated its eighth Chesterton Day in Grottammare, a lovely village on the Adriatic Sea in the Marche region, not far from Loreto. Marco Sermarini, who is the president of the Society, was the master of the ceremony.
The event started with the celebration of Mass. During the first part of theconference Paolo Gulisano presented his two new books, on Father McNabb and on Newman. Angelo Bottone talked about Chesterton and Newman, Fabio Trevisan commented on his recent theatrical version of the Ballad of the White Horse, while Alessandro Gnocchi talked about Distributism.
After dinner some extracts from the Ballad of the White Horse, edited by Fabio Trevisan, were performed. In the second part of the conference Antonio Colombo remembered his good friend father Stanley Jaki and his writings on Chesterton and Newman. Alessandro Gnocchi read a short story from Giovannino Guareschi, while the other speakers commented more on many aspects of Chesterton life and writings, with a particular emphasis on Distributism.
On the Italian Chesterton Society (uomovivo.blogspot.com) you can find some pictures of the event and an account written by a young girl.
--posted by Angelo Bottone
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